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Everything posted by kotaco

  1. I brought the forums back to life just to post this topic.
  2. 2,193,118 dislikes at the time of this post
  3. Should be interesting to see how they handle the trench warfare in the storyline since most of it was just push towards one trench, take it, get pushed back, regroup, repeat. All I know is COD getting the most dislikes ever for a gaming trailer makes me happy inside
  4. kotaco

    Spartan Tactical

    Lol. Consider it the arma division of mXm? No I can add you if you want no problem.
  5. In an effort to get my ARMA fix and desire for a larger ARMA group off the ground I have started a new organization in ARMA called the Spartan Tactical Group (Spartan Tactical or SPARTAC for short). It's based on the premise of a private military company t(o allow for the freedom to bend the rules as I see fit essentially). I've recruited two other guys with some ARMA clan management experience and explained to them the ideals I want to base the group on (mXm ) and we're starting to recruit. We have a dedicated server and teamspeak operational and hope to get off the ground shortly; http://spartac.net So if you see me on a different profile with a SPARTAC affiliation that's whats up. Everyone's welcome to game with us as well
  6. Windows 10 Also, just googled KSP on Win 10 and found lots of posts from people saying the run it without issues.
  7. Yes it can, but I think the issue is more the amount of controls needed is somewhat limited by a controller. I think its safe to say I can engage a target, dive to cover and bring up a map to form a plan, mark it while also reporting to situation to the team over the group channel and be moving again much faster and smoother than a controller player, which can be a big factor in some of the situations. Stance adjustment is another big one, its just hard to setup on a controller and its a useful tool controller players might miss out on: This is just infantry commands: Does not include all the different binds for diving, fixed wing, rotor, driving and a few others. So it can get crazy to set up. Holding L CTRL acts as a modifier on some items which is not shown, same for R CTRL. For example, L CTRL + G cycles grenades. R CTRL + M is GPS. Or double taps, Double Tap K toggles compass on screen.
  8. Its primarily against AI, COOP that sort of thing. Balz makes it work with a PS4 controller.
  9. I saw the pink mist in the upper chest/neck area myself. Anyhow, when are you gonna hop on the ARMA train with us and that gaming laptop of yours?
  10. kotaco

    PC Specs

    So I pulled the trigger on phase 1 because having it all sitting there in my cart mocking me was too much. This is the case I ended up getting: Nice and clean, and has the option to add increase airflow if needed with a 15-20 dollar front panel kit. All the components should arrive Wednesday. I'll be harvesting the CPU, HDD and Optical Drives from my Dell for it, but otherwise this is my first dabble into a custom build.
  11. kotaco

    PC Specs

    Watching some videos and doing some reading got me thinking about transplanting my Intel i7 Dell XPS 8700 SE to a new case with a new MOBO and adding some upgrades. List redacted due to changes. See my next post for updates Further down the road if I upgrade the CPU all I'd need is another MOBO and DDR4 memory. For now my CPU does fine though.
  12. I don't think the ` method worked, but the radio off seems to. Another report says to go to configure -> game -> difficulty and disable autoreporting to do the same. Otherewise spam away, no worries
  13. Site is slowing coming together, roster and background info coming soon. 

  14. Option 1: Select all units, set to halt. ~ key brings up command menu. Options 2: Turn off Radio in Audio under Game Options
  15. Does it do all the post production wipes and stuff for you? If so that's neat, if not nice work. Also. Around 1:12 if you hit that got it was only by a hair lol
  16. Call of Duty gets pretty consistent postive reviews, but I just can never get into it. It always turns into 60 dollars wasted collecting dust.
  17. kotaco


    I'm working tonight and have a midterm tomorrow to deal with. Maybe after that but work Friday so can't be around too late. Weekends are typically free
  18. kotaco


    We should play this more. Designate a game night or something
  19. Getting old! Happy Birthday!
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