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Everything posted by srans

  1. Thanks guys, and were having a beer/brewery themed wedding of course!
  2. She said yes, so now shes stuck with me!
  3. Well, I look at it like this... As a Chef, my goal is to get as many people to try my dishes as I can. Sometimes I would luck out and the restaurant would be really busy and 1000 people would walk out eating something that I created. Applying that to homebrewing is the same thing, I want as many people to drink what I create. At Abita, ill be able to do exactly that every few months when the other brewers and I compete our homebrew's for the next Abita Select. As for the homebrew store, it totally throws a wrench into everything for now. Granted being able to say I work for Abita, sounds a whole lot better than saying Im just an avid homebrewer. Its going to take a bit longer to have a storefront, granted the website is ready to go so I might pursue that a bit more.
  4. ME! I just got a job as a brewer for Abita Brewery!
  5. Hahaha I felt like it was only fitting
  6. ​haha mine was swedish chef lol
  7. srans


    I feel like its going to end up like the Blair Witch Project. Granted, if I can play a fps for 18 hours straight, I should be able to get through an hour and 45 minute movie lol.
  8. srans


    So the guy who did the short clip Bad Motherfucker (http://youtu.be/Rgox84KE7iY), wants to do a feature film. Seems like it could be a pretty sweet idea that some of you guys might want to check out.
  9. Nice, I didnt even have to register again!
  10. srans

    The Crew

    Dude, they even have New Orleans! Down to the Superdome, Water Pump Construction site, and Burbon! Sweet!!
  11. Im not opposed to having a skype session, you guys can all crash on my couch come Mardi Gras too :)
  12. Have you guys heard about the deadpool film?
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1iJJZfB7i0&feature=youtu.be
  14. I dont know how to do a spoiler allert but I would have been super pissed if ______ didnt win that one battle.
  15. srans

    New Car

    Cool whip! http://youtu.be/7ZmqJQ-nc_s
  16. ""No results found for 'adub86'."" uhh...
  17. srans

    PAYDAY 2

    when you go to the crime.net, you can filter to "friends" and join their game...
  18. srans

    PAYDAY 2

    Man, I cant get enough of this game. Its so awesome. I definately agree that 4/coop is where its at. Now if i could only find 4 people with mics.
  19. I made it better!!! http://youtubedoubler.com/?video1=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DPdEw7C0zTlM&start1=208&video2=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DNfv1FhdaBBk&start2=0&authorName=balz
  20. I was totally waiting for balz to pull one of these http://www.youtube.c...1FhdaBBk&t=0m4s
  21. haha, thanks guys! i had a blast! now im looking at retirement funds.
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