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Posts posted by kotaco

  1. Any time a game developer adds new things the ratings either drop or go through the roof . 

    Though the game play might not have changed , the implementation of Clan involvement

    most likely has been poorly done and probably not used much if I had to guess .


    I have yet to play the game  but I am sure it is going to be just another COD with a dog added this time 

    Only reason I got the game was to have something to do off and on while waiting for other shooter titles

    to come out on the PS4

    I haven't seen the squads feature being the biggest complain in the low review scores if thats the clan feature you're mentioning. Most actually touch on it being a step backwards in regards to innovation and added features compared to Black Ops II. Others feel it isn't a great start for COD as a next-gen game. I'll reread through the bottom ones again to see.

    PC Video Review Perspectice: Skip to about 12:30 for gameplay.

  2. Call of Duty's sensational review streak starting to end? Looks pretty much poor to average reviews with a bunch this time around, there's some in the "good" ranking, but only 2 "greats" and 1 of those is IGN, and they aren't much of a reliable / honest reviewer in the first place. The ones I read feel it's a poor follower to Black Ops II and feels pretty rehashed.

    Kotaku – ‘Not Yet’




    Push Square 6/10








    Gamestar Hungary8.5/10



  3. Update (Nov 1): Currently, we expect the next title update (1.05) addressing player progress loss issues to be available sometime early next week. Following that, we hope to deliver everyone’s GTA$ Stimulus Package before the end of next week. A big thank you to GTA Online players worldwide for your continued patience and understanding and we will continue to keep you all updated.

    Thank you to everyone for joining in GTA Online throughout this first month of its release, for all of your awesome Online Snapmatic pics and Crew videos that we’ve spotted, for your patience and understanding as we’ve been working through the initial teething issues of launching an online experience like this, and for your excellent feedback to the official GTAOnline@rockstargames.com email address. Please keep it coming as it is really helping us plan for the future of the game. Here’s a quick update for all Grand Theft Auto Online players worldwide on what’s in store in the immediate future.
    We know many of you are anxiously waiting for us to show you the GTA$ Stimulus Package money we announced a couple weeks back. As mentioned in that post, we of course want to ensure that game progress loss issues are sufficiently sorted before distributing the GTA$ to everyone. We have a few more tweaks and fixes to make in a new title update that will hit sometime next week and then we will distribute the cash.
    Coming in early November will be the first add-on content update, the Beach Bum Pack which will bring all-new beach themed vehicles and new weaponry that you’ll be able to use in both GTA Online and Story Mode. Plus new customization options for your GTA Online character including new tats, hairstyles and more. We’ll also be adding lots of brand new action-packed Jobs to play with Gang Attacks, Survivals, Last Team Standings, Parachutes, Deathmatches and Races that will have you bloodying up the waters and coastlines of the finest beach resorts across Los Santos and Blaine County.
    We are also working to bring you the debut of the first part of the GTA Online Content Creator this fall – giving players the ability to craft, publish, rate and play custom-made Deathmatch and Race Jobs. We’ll be keeping our eye open for exceptional ones that we’ll be stamping as ‘Rockstar Verified’ and will be featuring them here at the Newswire and as part of forthcoming GTA Online Social Club Events. Both the Content Creator and the Beach Bum Pack are free.
    Starting in November will be the first Grand Theft Auto Online Social Club Event weekends which will bring special rewards and bonuses ranging from limited-edition in-game Event Crate Drops to in-game discount specials and even a special new GTA Online live-stream show hosted by Rockstar at the Social Club Events page and Rockstar Games Twitch page – plus prize pack giveaways of hard to find GTAV gear and more.
    Stay tuned as we hope to have more information with more details and specific timings on these content updates as well as on GTA Online Heists and the new GTA Online Capture the Flag mode to share with you next week. We will also have initial details on more additional content coming for both Story Mode and GTA Online in the next few weeks.
  4. lol, I have no expecations of anything in return, plus my garage is full anyway.

    Really I don't mind the few seconds it takes to help other folks out as it was a pain to get these two cars for me with little help from anybody else out there. It's also not a problem when these guys are able to follow some simple instructions rather than just spamming my PSN tag with requests and messages, I pretty much delete 40-50 friend requests and have it fill right back up the next day from people who don't read. They are the super entitled ones, they send a barrage of PLS READ NOW or DONT DELETE messages along with their friend invites lol. The all caps makes it super important apparently. Makes trying to see who's online/playing from the clan annoying to having to scroll down so far everytime.


    And the site gets a little boost of traffic as a bonus, even if just for 1 or 2 psots, so it's all good.


  5. South Park: The Stick of Truth delayed until March

    “We always wanted the game to feel like you’re actually in an episode of South Park,” say Matt Stone and Trey Parker. “Getting the game up to the crappy standards of the show has been a real challenge and we’re excited to say it’s taken way longer than we thought it would.”


  6. Quick Instructions on How To Duplicate:

    • Find someone who has the car you want and hop in with them in any seat.
    • Call up Gerald or another character and start a mission.
    • Go ahead an start that mission by yourself, when you start you will be in a duplicate car.
    • Put that car in your garage during the mission.
    • Either complete or fail the mission.
    • When you exit the duplicated car will be in your garage.
    • Insure it!


    Duping Obey Tailgater & Franklin's Buffalo:


    I currently have two rare cars that I can share if you want one.

    Franklin's Buffalo

    Obey Tailgater


    Note: the plate of the buffalo reads "EXPLOITS" as that was the way it was set for the guy who gave it to me. I don't yet have custom plates, but a person I did this for said his custom plates overwrote that. So it shouldn't be an issue.




  7. [quote name='BalzOnYer4Head' timestamp='1382751481' post='3455']
    I play either of them because you all do. Otherwise, if there was a good TPS on a console, I'd be with Unit gettin tactical, hell we would all be gettin tactical.

    Lookin forward to The Division and H-Hour.

    BS, you play so you can prestige and call people homosexual slurs. Be honest. :P

  8. [quote name='Induced_Horizon' timestamp='1382567416' post='3450']
    I thought there was not going to be bluetooth .....
    but if the bluetooth mic is going to work then guess there will be

    Not at launch, but USB & Bluetooth should be compatible after a patch which I imagine will come shortly after, probably the same one that allows HDMI capture.

  9. [quote name='ODIN' timestamp='1382389028' post='3443']
    I want to chime in since at 2 points in my life I have carried the torch for both of these franchises. Here is my beef with Battlefield franchise. (this Gen)

    BF I just cant deal with 30 fps in a shooter. It's 2013 and playing a shooter that is 30fps is just not acceptable. Also, the PC version has 16 v 16 which is really what this game was built on and the console version is 12 v 12 which at times the game just never feels like you are in an epic battle. I spend most of my time running back to the area where I got shot. Overall, for me, the fun factor was just not there. The maps were bland and boring as well. Yes, team tactics were somewhat there on console but this game is built for PC gaming with an inferior port to the consoles. I do feel this will change with the PS4/Xbox One coming).

    Also, I don't care to be locked into a 30minute battle that I have to complete. Being an older gamer with kids, Its hard to commit to that type of timeframe when I need to drop my controller at any given time. When I was younger with less responsibility I loved this type of stuff, but with smaller chunks of gaming time, the appeal of Epic Scale Battles I believe is passed me by.

    This does not mean I carry the COD torch either. I do feel a sense of fatigue with the franchise, but also feel this type of game appeals more to my lifestyle at this point. Quick, easy, and just plain fun in small chunks. I have seriously considered picking up Killzone: Shadowfall as the VITA version on the handheld is extremely fun and it looks beautiful on the PS4.

    Overall, I will buy both games. And simply play the one I like the most and possibly trade the other one like I did for PS3. Both games serve different purposes so I don't think there is a need to choose between the two.

    I enjoy still playing Blops 2. I like them better than the Modern Warfare Series.

    Cmon November 15th!

    All valid points, I don't carry the torch for Battlefield either so to speak, its just the lesser of two evils for me. I have to get one of the two as the clan will probably be focused on those games for the initial launch of next-gen.

    I am looking forward to many other games such as The Division, South Park, LEGO Marvel, etc much more than any FPS

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