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[mXm] Leader
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Posts posted by kotaco

  1. Hello, and thank you for your interest in enlisting with Clan mXm!

    We are a tight-knit group of gamers who love playing games for the fun of the game. We are not out solely to the achieve status as best of the best, we do not hold mandatory practices or game nights, nor do we religiously participate in gaming ladders or leagues. No... we play because we enjoy playing video games, and doing so with people we like playing with.

    Now, don't get us wrong. We very much enjoy a communication filled, tactics driven style of gameplay and do quite well for ourselves when we're in that "zone." But that's not what we're all about.

    Over the past decade, we have developed into more of a family than anything else and it is something about this clan that we all cherish. While some members may come and go, the true "mXmbers" stay loyal for life. These are the people who really click with who we are and what we do. They get it, and they like being a part of it. Our mXmbers, as we've come to call them, would do just about anything for each other. And that's just one more thing that makes being in this clan.. on this team.. in this family, that much better.

    If you're interested in joining this gaming family and becoming an mXmber! We look forward to hearing from you!



    • Must Register With The Clan Site / Community Forums
      Obviously you're well on your way to doing this. This site/forum is our primary method of communication and organization.
    • Must Have An Enjoyable Personality
      We get that's a tad subjective, but basically, the reason we have such loyal members is because we love to hang out with each other, everybody brings something unique to the table. So if we can have fun, you'll want to be here and we'll want you to stay.
    • Must Be A Team Player
      We are a family, and family comes first. Always.
    • Preferably 18+
      Things run more smoothly with an all adult clan vs a mixed one in our previous experience. Plus we enjoy not hearing squeaky voices on the mic.  But ... exceptions have been made in the past, if you're really worried about it, just play some rounds with us and we can get to know you.
    • Maturity & Sportsmanship Required
      We pride ourselves on professionalism and respect. We expect all of our members to possess both, and to show it.
    • Should Not Obsess Over Rank/Points/Wins/Trophies/Medals
      We play to have fun, winning is just a frequent bonus, what you do on your own time is up to you though.
    • NO Rank Up Rooms / Cheating / Glitching (in competition style games)
      We consider ourselves above such activities, if the game is meant to be a skill based one or we're taking part in a clan war, play it honestly.
    • You Must Have A Mic!
      We are a "tactical" clan, we communicate in game to organize strategies, call out enemy positions and so on. So a mic is mandatory.

    We reserve the right to amend or bypass any of the above prerequisites at the discretion of mXm Command.



    Please create a topic/post in this forum stating you'd like to join our team.

    Be sure to include as much information about yourself and your intentions as possible!

    Some things to include would be:

    • What's your name and age?
    • Where are you from and what do you do?
    • What's your gaming tag?
    • What consoles do you own?
    • What games do you currently play online?
    • How did you hear about us?
    • Why you want to become a part of mXm?
    • Any other pertinent information or things you'd like to share.



  2. [quote name='BalzOnYer4Head' timestamp='1286511115' post='37']
    That is freakin awesome. I love it. Its... perfect! Kory may be able to get you a killer deal on the actual make of the patches. He does this sort of thing for a living and has connections with all kinds of vendors that can whip those up. Ill ask him about it this weekend and see what kind of price her can get.

    Awesome, the person I usually go through has already quoted me:

    100 pieces at $2.21 per piece, for a total of $221.00

    But if Kory has some connections and can beat that let's do it!

  3. I have long wanted to get a patch out for you guys, as well as our respected retired members and future loyal members to come. Im thinking this is what it'll look like unless this one has any objections:


    - Gaming Team is what we are, referred to in some games as a clan, which is also true however I couldn't let myself put clan onto a military style looking patch. For fear of creating the wrong impression (lol)

    - The eagle represents freedom, strength, courage, wisdom, illumination of spirit. mXm has always been a strong clan in it's beliefs and actions, with the courage to stand out from others and go against the grain, allowing its members freedoms rather than imposing strict rules and encourage growth.

    - 3 stars represent the three core values of the clan. Atruism, Honor and Commitment.

    - Crosshairs represent precision and shooting, the clan was born on a Tactical shooter, require precise and accurate marksmanship and squad movement.

    - Gamepads the two gamepads of different colors represent essentially what we are. A group of people playing games together, without each other we wouldn't have a reason for everything we've worked to create. The different colors are not just aesthetic, they are meant to show we our not prejudice to race, sex or creed.

    - 2004 obviously when the clan was created.

    - Shield meant to represent defense, and protection. Protecting and defending the clan and everything it was built on. Upholding everything we have now and allowing us to continue growth.

    - aeterna est fides is faintly seen in the back ground. Latin meaning: "Loyal is Forever"
    Loyalty = FIDES
    is = VIVIT (or DURAT or also EST)
    Forever = IN AETERNUM ( adverb) or AETERNA (adjective in the nominative feminine agreed with FIDES)

    Main Colors:
    Red - Red is used as a symbol of courage and sacrifice, as in blood spilt in sacrifice or courage in the face of lethal danger.
    Gold - evokes the feeling of prestige. The meaning of gold is illumination, wisdom, and wealth. Gold often symbolizes high quality.
    Black - is associated with power, elegance and mystery.
    White - safety, purity

  4. [quote name='Tha First Lady ~ Amanda' timestamp='1286471764' post='31']
    I have been living in new Orleans again with my second baby. We just got her moved closer to home and she will be home in about a week. I had two preemies in 8 months! It's like I had twins! The second one is doing so much better than my first daughter so that has made it easier. They are both beautiful and have changed the Amanda you all knew. Lol. I'm a mom/ housewife now. Not engaged but getting married soon at the court house so I can share my kids last name and will have a wedding maybe 5 years from now when they can be in it. I've never been happier in life tho. It's been great. I'm gonna attempt to post some pictures of them for y'all. Veyda Benlee Harris is 10 months old and Annzleigh Rose Harris is 2 months old.

    Glad to hear you're engaged Andy. Congrats on that and the baby. He's adorable. Dakota always kicks ass in life. I'm forever proud of your accomplishments dude!

    Haven't heard from Balz in a while tho. I've called text and messages him. Never hear anything back. Have u guys?

    Thank amanda,

    Balz just called me a few days ago, left me a voicemail that I havent returned a call for yet. hehe

    He's around here at least once a day it seems

  5. Has anybody seen this one yet? Homefront. PS3 - Xbox - PC

    Set in 2027, Homefront is a near-future war game from Kaos Studios (Frontlines: Fuel of War) and filmmaker John Milius (Big Wednesday, Red Dawn).


    One of the major portions of the story arc is built around not only the growth of the North Korean forces over the years leading to the year 2027, when the game takes place, but also the economic downfall of the United States of America, and the unrest that seems to grip the nation before the invasion. Homefront is set in a fictional world loosely based on apocalyptic fiction. The premise is that in only 15 years, the USA has not only fallen but "is powerless to resist the ever expanding occupation" of the Greater Korean Republic (which is, in Homefront, a united Korea under the rule of the North), which as of 2010 is an extremely poor isolationist state. This world also features fictional physics; for example, EMP bombs are capable of destroying almost any infrastructure. The player is invited to join the American resistance, "using guerrilla tactics, commandeering military vehicles, and utilizing advanced drone technology." Homefront's gameplay has been completely reworked from its origins in Frontlines: Fuel of War, with new game modes planned, a new suite of weapons and a totally new single player game. It was stated in an interview with the design director of Homefront, David Votypka, by G4TV that the game will be based around guerilla style tactics. The same interview also contained information stating that one of the important facts concerning your surroundings is that they are built to try and build a connection with the user by using real companies and brands.

    In March 2011 I plan on getting this one, just for the story line. Kicking some North Korean ass sounds fun, especially if its to defend our occupied country.

    Homefront is set in a near future America in 2027 when a now-nuclear armed Korean People's Army invades the USA. The game is written by John Milius, who co-wrote Apocalypse Now and wrote Red Dawn. The beginning gameplay is reportedly set in Montrose, Colorado.

  6. [quote name='ODIN' timestamp='1286282393' post='21']
    I was in the console beta and I must say... It plays like a slightly slower version of Call of Duty with the Battlefield destructible environments... I probably see myself playing this more than COD since I am a big fan of DICE's online games.

    Sounds awesome, thats prefect. All though I still prefer 3rd person.

    Off topic: I noticed you registered twice there skippy

  7. The arcade system is online and ready to go, so far though we have very few games.. In fact at the moment we only have curveball. But I'll be adding more as I get them.

    We'll be taking requests, Anything you're addicted to?
    Just name any online flash games you can think of, and if it's possible for me to install it here I'll do it.

    Current Requests:

  8. If you want to use our video database it's pretty simple. Just click the add a video button when inside the video system, and fill in all the required fields.

    You can add videos from the following sources:

    Link must look like:
    MySpace Video
    Link must look like:
    Link must look like:
    Flickr Image Set
    Link must look like:
    Link must look like:
    Flash Movie/Game
    Link must look like:
    Vimeo Video
    Link must look like:
    CollegeHumor Video
    Link must look like:
    Yahoo! Video
    Link must look like:
    Link must look like:


  9. Myself, I've been working and loafing around at home a lot recently. Still doing the firefighter things. I passed my National Registry to become a certified and practicing Paramedic as well. Finally a long year of schooling is over with as far that goes. I plan on continuing until I at least get an Associates degree, half done with that. I was also considering attending the Police Academy for four months just to give that shot as well.

    I'm looking forward to the new games that'll be coming out! Medal of Honor and SOCOM 4 will probably be my two main ones, although I do plan on trying out Black Ops as well.

    Other than that just hanging around here trying to get some life back into this community once again. I think it's going to be a good year for us.

    I know there's a lot of new babies around the community here. Amanda had 2, Andy has 1, JerZ is expecting one very very soon.. Cobb got married and bought a house, what else is new? Feel free to share!

  10. Have any good pictures relating to mXm that you'd like to share with the rest of the community?
    Why not upload them straight to our Flickr account and have them featured on our main website?

    All you need to do is email/send your photos to the following email address:


    Your pictures will then be automatically uploaded to our Flickr account and posted to the main website.
    Once again, you can send and upload via email or cellphone if your phone has the ability to send messages to email addresses!

    Normal data charges will apply based on your cellphone plan of course.

  11. We've seen Odin tagging mXm on the beaches of Mexico, and Amanda tagged her very own bathroom with a lovely mXm mark. Show off your tags around the world too. Anything interesting? We'd love to see it.

    We do not however condone breaking any laws to spread our clan tag.. but if you do we still would love to see it! ;)

  12. Arcade - games added as I have time, and upon request.

    Videos - Share videos from around the web here. All you need is the proper media link. (more detailed post to follow)

    Member Map - Brought back and old favorite. Just enter your town, state or address and it'll do the rest.

  13. Black Ops is a first-person shooter. The player assumes the role of a foot soldier and thus has access to various firearms, of which two at a time can be carried, as well as explosives such as grenades and other equipment to fight enemies. When players are close enough to an enemy, they can perform a melee attack which ensures a one-hit-kill.

    A character can be positioned in one of the three stances: standing, crouching, or prone; each affecting the character's rate of movement, accuracy, and stealth. The player can directly dive prone from a standing position. The player can momentarily run faster before getting tired. When the character has taken damage, the screen glows red. Health regenerates by avoiding damage. When the character is within the blast radius of a live grenade, a marker indicates the direction of the grenade, helping the player to either flee or throw it back.
    Newly introduced crossbow.

    The game features weapons like crossbows (with alternative explosive ammunition), Dragon's Breath rounds and ballistic knives. Brutality and gore are present, with a dismemberment feature.

    The player assumes the role of various characters during the single-player campaign, changing perspectives throughout the story. The playable characters are special forces operatives conducting black operations behind enemy lines. In this way, the player's characters will have their own traits such as voices and shadows.

    Each mission features a series of objectives that are displayed on the head up display, which marks the direction and distance towards and from such objectives. The player is accompanied by friendly troops who cannot be issued orders.

    Although primarily a first-person shooter, the player will get to pilot a Hind helicopter and guide friendly troops from an SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft.

    The campaign is filled with scripted cinematic moments. One of them is a bullet time effect during the "Victor Charlie" level, activated when the player fires toward the last enemy of a Viet Cong squad.

  14. The gameplay is designed to be realistic, and to this end EA has hired several consultants from the United States military. Typical in-game objectives are expected to be similar to those issued in real life such as raiding terrorist hideouts, hostage rescues and undercover operations. The single player is set to include drivable vehicles such as helicopters, jeeps, and quad bikes.

    The game will feature a single-player campaign that takes place in 2002, in which the player will control multiple characters from both the “Tier 1” and “Big Military” perspectives. The storyline will follow several "Tier One Operators" working under the National Command Authority in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom. Players will also play as a US Army Ranger and an Apache helicopter gunner, fighting on a larger scale than the "Tier 1 Ops" campaign, as players will then only be a small part of the "war machine". The campaign will be heavily weighted (with regards to playtime) in favor of the Tier 1 operators.

  15. SOCOM 4 is set at an undisclosed location in Southeast Asia. The player controls a character unofficially called the "Ops Commander," the leader of a 5-man NATO special forces squad deployed near the Strait of Malacca. He is accompanied by two Americans named Schweitzer and Wells, as well as two South Korean operatives, Chung and Forty-Five. One of the first female combatants from the first SOCOM, Forty-Five is reported to be "vital to the story." The plot stretches over a six-day period in two main acts. The special forces squad is said to face an indigenous revolutionary group known as the Naga. Zipper reports the story to be "beyond the typical bounds of military shooters." The commander is Cullen Gray and he gives orders to other 4 soldiers.

  16. Who all can I still count in on the [mXm] roster for upcoming games or even just regular forum activity?

    Here's what I got:

    [mXm] BalzOnYer4Head
    [mXm] kotaco

    [mXm] Amanda

    [mXm] hindey19
    [mXm] ingram
    [mXm] ODIN
    [mXm] Deucedeuse
    [mXm] weathermatt
    [mXm] HeroicJayneCobb

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