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Definition of Clan


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clan /klan/ Noun *A group of close-knit and interrelated families (esp. associated with families in the Scottish Highlands). A family, esp. a large one: "the Kennedy clan".

This is why i joined mXm; Previously i was in a clan called G4c. With them we had a tight knit family. One clan member sent me a check for $50 so i could afford gas to go to a clan picnic, which he himself would not be attending. However the breaking point was when i asked several local members to be part of my wedding party, and they all backed out a month before my wedding..... So i left. I joined mXm as i enjoyed the time i spent playing SOCOM with those of you around then.

Here at mXm one of our fellow clan mates called up and ordered me a Pizza the same day i told him how i didnt have enough money that week for milk (because of my disability and getting back to work) and it's things like that that made me appreciate the family and comraderary we have here. Now I will grant you that I've had my issues with some of you. Andy and I have been ad odds a few times. Odin and i on more than one occasion, and Kotaco and I aren't on speaking terms right now.... But that comes with family.

However, yesterday i came home from work in alot of pain due to an abscess present in my lower back that presses on a nerve cluster when its inflamed (and shockley cold temps tend to piss it off) and jumped on Black Ops 2 to take some of the stress away with good friends I've met over the last couple months. Well lets expand on that statrment for a moment....

I met several new friends from all over the country and globe, actually, that are JUST as much fun to play Call of Duty with when mXm isnt on. since the majority of mXm used to be on at odd hours that conflicted with my own, you can understand why expanding my friends list was a priority. Balz introducted me to Mistopher awhile back, who introduced me to Blktalon, who introduced me to Hungmammoth, and Bravo, and Braves, and many other friends. So now i have a vast list of people i can enjoy call of duty with, including mXm.

Back to my account from yesterday; I jumped online and was happy to see that all of my new friends, and my own clan (a majority) were all in the same room with the exception of 1 or 2 random players. Right away i was subjected to the ramblings of srandell and mistopher, and balz, and a couple other people about some inside joke i was not privy too previously. Then a new nickname for me was issued without my consent... "Lenny". "from a book millions of people have read" Already in an inordinate amount of pain i was in no mood to be insulted and ridiculed, so i left. Having no support or defense from so-called friends and 'family' i found myself in a private party, as not to be disturbed, creating a new emblem. I really like my Jayne Hat emblem which its my username and all, but i decided to show my NRA (National Rifle Association) pride with the "Stand and Fight" logo. When i was done, and happy with how it turned out, i returned to the game playing now with a group of friends not present in the earlier incident..... and i had a nice time, despite the fact it was regulare core.

Later blktalon came online and i was reluctant to join as i felt her silence in the earlier ridicule sesson was insulting in of itself. but mammoth encouraged me to join the party, and i did. I got the other half of the story of what was said about me behind my back, in full disrespect intended; i was told that i "follow talon around like a puppy" and then the subject of the threesome joke came up. A joke that was told by another friend ItalianWarrior, that was all in good fun that somehow got back to you guys.

The joke was that they had a friend named Stacy who lived down the street, to which italian asked of "Mr Talon" would ever invite her over for a threesome with blktalon, to which that joke went off on its on, so i then jokingly was all "oh yeah my wife and I are looking for a threesome as well, to which talon jokingly said "woohoo" so while on the mic i turned to my wife and said "we found a third party for our threesome" to which she laughed and looked at me like "wtf are you talking about" and we all on and off the mic laughed at the entire joke. Now anyone present for that session would know that blktalon lives in a rural part of canada and is a very religion person; So even if it were the truth the reality of the whole joke would never come to fruition, hence why its a "joke"

So as i listen to how those of you that were present conducted yourselves in a massively disrespectful manner toward myself while i was there, and while i was not there, and how you conducted yourselves with the new friends of mXm that i tried to create (because we could always use larger party groups) and i stared at my temporary NRA tag (once again showing, and spreading the word of support for my favorite organization) and as i looked at my golden guns with NRA craved into them in place of the mXm i got to thinking, the NRA tag and emblem look pretty damn good on the gun; and how it was nice not having to apologize for certain things said by people who shared the same clan tag as you.

But i take my clan seriously, i teamkilled a player several times until he left for changing his tag to mXm just to fuck with me; why? because i take my clan and those in it VERY seriously. How could i walk away from family? from those that i care about personally and as a game team. So I'm over my mother-in-law's discussing politics, and the day's plans, and my wife's birthday gift, and even the incident that took place. i said "they called me 'lenny, from some book millions of people have read' and without missing a beat she says to me "mice and men" i said "what?" she said "lenny is a mildly retarded guy that follows the one character around like a puppy'" and i said "oh, my, god. that is the EXACT phrase that was used to describe myself in relation to blktalon and the friends we play with. like a puppy; So when i realized that my own clan, family, that i defend at every turn, wear thier logo proudly on my tshirts and my hat, thinks of me as some "retard" that follows his FRIENDS around "like a puppy" thats when without batting an eyelash i realized I am not part of this family, i am not the respected member i thought i was. im just some retard who like to play video games with those that provide friendship, good conversation, and awesome gaming with.

So as of this moment my mXm tshirts are now "work shirts" and my mXm hat will hang untouched on the coat rack until i get a replacement and my in-game clan tag will continue to read NRA. The ball's in your court now mXm. You can bury this post in your private "admin only" forum so noone else has to know how you treated this particular clan member, delete me from your PSN list, and forget i ever existed; i can live with that. On the flipside you could man up and realize that perhaps you arent ALWAYS the most respectful when it comes to meeting new people, and that what you did was disrespectful to me as a clan member and as a person, and encourage me to rejoin the mXm family again. It's up to you.

But I have friends, i will always have friends. If thats a problem that i want to spend time with those friends, then fine, goodbye. But if we are allowed to have other-clan friends, then you should reconsider your stance on who any of your members play with.

Now, based on the forum activity, this post probably wont be read until the middle of next month; and by then you wont give a damn. However until such time i will be on PSN, i will be playing Black Ops 2, and any one of you are welcome to join if our rag tag of multi-clan friends provided we have room in the party so we can be on the same side. or take over a room and vs each other. We primarily play Hardcore TDM, occasionally i will play regular Core when other friends are on, but i prefer hardcore. We dont care too much for 'party games' though. See you online.

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Cobb, its all good brother. it was all a joke, and you do follow Talon around like a puppy dog. we're just givin you shit, and, like most times, you got WAY bent out of shape about it. No feelings were intended to be hurt, and we were all just laughing about it. We would of given you more shit, and brought you in to the "inside joke" had you not rage quit so fast.

That being said, this may be for the best. You have rubbed many of our members the wrong way with your comments and actions. Also, the stuff you said about MLK the other night was entirely inappropriate, and in no way reflects the values of mXm. An amicable split like this may just be the right move to keep it fun when playin together.

I appreciate your side of the story, and to quote one of our favorite shows... "Keep flying."

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I know this “ramble” is going to make me sound like even a bigger asshole, especially since I'm the one who first saw the resemblance between you (Cobb) and Lennie, but you’re a big boy and as a big boy you need to man up and not take everything to heart. The clan is very tight knit to the point where I can consider you guys my friends. I can assure you that NO ONE in the clan is butt hurt that you made new friends. Hell, most of us have probably even networked your friends into our friends list anyway. As far as not being in the know of who Lennie was, considering that Of Mice and Men is tied in most high school curriculum as well as COUNTLESS top book list and it was even made into a movie. I feel like you were more butt hurt about the fact that you didn’t know about the existence of the book which just added more humor to the “inside” joke that 300 million people including your mother-in-law were in on. I’m not saying that two wrongs make a right, but someone who can dish out a lot of insults and jokes at other peoples expense, You, should be able to take it as well. Look at Balz and I, does Balz ever throw down his controller have a pitty party? Has Weathermatt ever worn a pink dress to a tea party? No, were all grown ass adults that realize were playing a video game. For you to get so pissy that you delete me from your friends list as well as throw out your Clan tag shows me how far away from mXm you truly are. Its acceptable to call me a derogatory (that means offensive) name based on my heritage, but calling you a retard is going to far? As far as considering yourself as a “respected” member is ridiculous! You even said you have problems with several of the members in here! Not being able to play well with others is not a respected trait.

So as far as having the ball in my (I say “my” since I still proudly display my mXm tag and you (Cobb) don’t) I think you should take some of your NRA advice and “Stand and Fight.” Because as far as I am concerned I feel that being apart of mXm is a privilege not a right. You should have to Fight and prove that you can be apart of mXm, rather than ask us to beg for you back.

So this is me manning up and siding with Balz that maybe its better that you continue in your direction, since the clan seems to have different values and views.

-Smooth Seas and Fair Winds

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[quote name='HeroicJayneCobb' timestamp='1359050270' post='2780']
Kotaco and I aren't on speaking terms right now.... But that comes with family.

We're not on speaking terms? That's news to me.

I'll assume it's either because I'm not a fan of CoD,or because I'm a liberal democrat who supports measures for gun control and accountability and voted for the black guy or because I think the NRA has become a complete joke. Eitherway, that's never hampered my interactions with you knowing you are on the complete opposite side of the spectrum, but to each their own I guess.

You have to look at your history as well, this isn't the first time we've had a novel of a post from you explaining similiar incidents, which I think the majority of the clan will describe as overreactions, so the more of these that pop up, the more the clan will tend to take them less seriously and joke about you, you're just providing fuel for the fire you started.

Rest assured that 90% of all joking here is lighthearted fun with 10% of truth or personal feelings mixed in, but we all can put aside petty differences for a while and play to have fun. We can take the jokes and we can dish em out. I've been a part of this clan since 2004 and came in as a 13 year old kid, I was the butt of plenty of jokes, same as everybody else. Balz being the "old man" and his toker habits, Andy being the ginger canadian, me being a the nerdy basement dweller, deuce being.... well deuce and so on and so on.

In the end our differences in opinions, views, voices, whatever, it is what makes us all diverse and what made us such an attractive group for many. There are thousands of tightknit clans out there where everybody shares the exact same views, but that's not what we do here, never has been, never will be.

Anyhow, if you're asking us to come to you and convince you why you should be a part of this gaming community, or why your tag should be mXm after all this time, it won't happen from my end, after all this time you should know why you do or why you do not want to be here, and it seems like you've already made your decision.

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[quote name='kotaco' timestamp='1360287112' post='2791']
... I was the butt of plenty of jokes, same as everybody else. Balz being the "old man" and his toker habits, Andy being the ginger canadian, me being a the nerdy basement dweller, deuce being.... well deuce and so on and so on.

I got in more shit being the left-wing atheist Canadian (and a 15 year old idealist) than the ginger Canadian. Most of the people who took true offense to my views "decided" to GTFO though ^_^

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I ahve no idea what's going on, but I do know that in the early years Andy and I think it was Balz? or maybe RYNO? not sure but they did not get along at all, argued all the time. I think there was a point I didn't even like Andy lol thought he was a real ass haha :P . I've always been the one to heed from arguments but I do notice that whatever this clan seems to disagree on it's always resolved and moved on about.

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